Friends of The Maffett Memorial Library By-Laws
Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be the Friends of Maffett Memorial Library, Inc.
Article II - Purpose
1. To maintain a friendly association of persons interested in books and Maffett Memorial Library.
2. To focus public attention on services, resources and needs of Maffett Memorial Library.
3. To enhance resources and facilities, expand services, and develop programs to meet cultural, educational, and information needs of library users.
Article III - Mission
The mission of Friends of Maffett Memorial Library, Inc. is to support the library, which serves as a gateway for lifelong learning and as a center of intellectual and cultural resources for the community and Limestone County.
Article IV - Membership
Any person, family, or entity may become a member of the Friends of Maffett Memorial Library upon completion of a membership application and payment of membership dues on an annual basis.
The Friends Corporate Board shall establish classes of membership which may include, but are not limited to, individual, student, senior, family, honorary and lifetime.
The Friends Corporate Board shall establish the amount of membership dues applicable to each class of membership, and the duration for which such dues entitle the payor to membership. The membership year shall begin July 1 and end June 30.
Member benefits shall include, but are not limited to, first day access to book sales and a discount on Friends of the Library T-shirt.
Article V - Friends Corporate Board
The organization shall have a Friends Corporate Board with the following elected officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Chairpersons of all committees shall also serve on the Friends Corporate Board. Each person shall have one vote.
All officers must be residents of Limestone County, members in good standing of the Friends, and registered library patrons.
Board of Trustees' Liaison and the Library Director, or designee , shall be ex officio members of the Friends Corporate Board.
The terms of office for all elected officials shall be (2) years; no person shall serve in the same office for more than (2) consecutive terms, with the exception of the Treasurer, unless the office cannot be filled by another available candidate. In this case, the officer may remain in that office by a majority vote of the Board.
The Friends Corporate Board will meet a minimum of once a year to review operational policies and procedures, fundraising development strategies and goals.
Any vacancy occurring in a position on the Friends Board will be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining directors even though they constitute less than a quorum of the Friends Board. A director elected to fill a vacancy will be elected for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office.
Directors will not receive any compensation for their services, but by resolution of the Friends Corporate Board, any director may be indemnified for expenses and costs, including attorney fees, actually and necessarily incurred in connection with any claim asserted against that director, by action in court or otherwise, by reason of his or her being or having been such director, except in relation to matters as to which he or she may have been guilty of negligence or misconduct in respect to the matter in which indemnity is sought.
Article VI - Meetings
An annual general membership meeting shall be held during the last quarter of the Friends fiscal year. The date of this meeting shall be specified by the Friends Corporate Board. At this meeting, annual reports will be given and officers will be elected and installed on any election year. Additional meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Friends Corporate Board. When officers are to be elected by members, such election may be conducted by mail in such manner as the Corporate Board determines.
Announcement of all meetings shall be published in the local newspaper and posted for public notice at the library. Members will also be contacted via electronic mail. Notice of meetings shall be announced at least 7 days in advance.
A quorum shall consist of the members present at any meeting that has been announced by means stated in the paragraph above.
Article VII - Amendments
The bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members present and voting at the general membership meeting held during the last quarter of the fiscal year. Members will be notified of proposed amendments at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Amendments may be proposed by committee or the Corporate Board. Amendments will also be considered on an emergency basis at no more than one additional meeting beyond the general membership meeting held during the last quarter.
Article VIII - Dissolution
The organization may be dissolved upon recommendation of a majority of members present and upon approval of a majority of the Maffett Memorial Library Board. In the event of such dissolution, the entire net assets remaining after the payment or satisfaction of any and all debts of the organization shall be directed to the Director of Library Services of Maffett Memorial Library.