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Groesbeck Public Library

Work in Texas is provided at no cost, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and seeks to match qualified job seekers with potential job opportunities by comparing experience, skills, abilities, education, and other factors.

Employers can post jobs, search resumés, recruit candidates, get labor market information, and receive a variety of other services available via a network of Workforce Solutions Offices throughout the state.

Individuals seeking a new job, different job, or an additional job can post their resumé, search job listings (including all Texas state agency jobs), obtain employer contact information to apply for jobs, get information about the job market, and receive a variety of other services also available via Workforce Solutions Offices throughout the state. is a comprehensive online job search resource and matching system developed and maintained by the Texas Workforce Commission and the state workforce network, Texas Workforce Solutions. It is intended to provide recruiting assistance to Texas employers of all types and sizes, and job search assistance to any individual seeking work in Texas.

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